300 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Unlock your inner energy and wisdom with our Kundalini Tantra Yoga TTC Program. Kundalini Yoga integrates Bhakti, Raja, and Shakti Yoga, focusing on devotion, meditation, mind control, and liberation. The practice aims to awaken dormant energy within. The 300 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh offers comprehensive knowledge of Kundalini, covering concepts and theories in philosophy, yogic kriyas, anatomy and physiology, pranayama, tantra practice, meditation, shatkarmas, and all aspects of kundalini.

Rishikesh is a unique place where you can achieve spiritual and inner peace while engaging in Hatha, Ashtanga, Ayurveda, and Kundalini yoga practices. Adi Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh invites you to explore your inner divinity through the Advanced Kundalini Yoga Meditation Course. This training teaches you to transform negativity and harness Kundalini energy for enhanced health and well-being.

The Intensive Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course consists of four-week sessions that include classroom lectures, group exercises, discussions, and one-on-one instruction. Our 300 Hour Residential Kundalini Tantra Yoga TTC program offers an advanced curriculum in Kundalini yoga, fostering feelings of gratitude and love. Our certified and experienced teachers provide deep insights into all aspects of Kundalini Yoga.

Join the 300-hour Kundalini Awakening Course at Adi Yoga Ashram to discover the immense power within your body. This course not only equips you with advanced knowledge and practices but also transforms you, fostering personal growth and a deeper connection to the divine. Embrace this opportunity to evolve your practice and teaching skills, and share the profound benefits of Kundalini Yoga with others.

Imagine a Yoga Teacher Training where your questions are always answered. Our small class sizes make it possible, ensuring you get the guidance you need to thrive.

The 300-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training program in India is an even more transformative and advanced journey that enables you to dive even deeper into the profound realm of yoga. Set amidst the serene and blissful environment, this program offers the pinnacle of yoga practice. With our Yoga Alliance-approved curriculum, expertly guided by experienced teachers, we merge traditional yogic and Vedic practices to deliver a comprehensive and enriching learning experience. Nestled in the tranquil Himalayan Hills, Adi Yoga Ashram has earned global recognition as a prestigious and authentic yoga institution.

This 300-hour Kundalini Yoga program serves as a significant milestone in your yoga journey, providing an extensive exploration of advanced yoga practices and the opportunity to earn your certification as a yoga teacher. Recognized by Yoga Alliance, our program places a strong foundation under aspiring instructors, igniting their passion and nurturing their success. We focus on empowering future yoga teachers to broaden their understanding of yoga and meditation. At Adi Yoga Ashram, we prioritize personalized attention, ensuring that each student benefits from tailored guidance, effective use of props, and the freedom to progress at their own pace.

By participating in this program, you can expect numerous benefits, including:

  • Becoming an experienced, qualified, certified, and registered Kundalini yoga teacher from one of the best yoga schools in Rishikesh India.
  • In-depth knowledge and understanding of Kundalini yoga, philosophy, asanas, pranayama, and meditation.
  • Transformation of your own personal yoga practice, both physically and spiritually.
  • Upon completion, receiving the 300-Hour Yoga Course Certification.
  • A supportive community of fellow practitioners and like-minded individuals.

What does and doesn't the course fee include?

Sample Certificate

Sample Certificate 300 hour kundalini

Why selecting Adi Yoga Ashram for your advanced Kundalini yoga teacher training?

The 300 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training at Adi Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh, India, offers a profound spiritual journey into the depths of Kundalini energy. This advanced course provides extensive training in Kundalini practices, Yoga Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Kriyas, alignment, and adjustments. Designed to enlighten the mind and spirit, the program immerses students in the mystical aspects of yoga, helping them to harness and awaken their inner energy. Intended for those who have completed a 200-hour Kundalini yoga training, this advanced course deepens their understanding of Kundalini energy. Graduates will be certified as RYT 300, equipped to guide students at all levels through their spiritual awakening. Adhering to the standards of Yoga Alliance USA, our training ensures that participants receive the highest quality education in Kundalini yoga, empowering them to inspire and transform others on their spiritual paths.

  • Reputed and Traditional: Adi Yoga Ashram is renowned as one of the most respected and traditional Yoga Schools in Rishikesh. Its rich heritage and commitment to authentic yoga teachings make it a trusted institution.
  • Convenient Location: Nestled in an idyllic setting near the vibrant market area of Rishikesh, Adi Yoga Ashram offers a prime location that is easily accessible. You can explore the local markets, indulge in traditional cuisine, and experience the lively atmosphere of the city, all within a short walk from the ashram.
  • Experienced Yoga Teachers: With a team of 30+ experienced yoga teachers specializing in various subjects, Adi Yoga Ashram ensures high-quality instruction and personalized guidance. Their expertise and dedication contribute to a transformative learning experience.
  • Global Community: Adi Yoga Ashram welcomes students from all corners of the world, fostering a diverse and inclusive community. Interacting with fellow yoga enthusiasts from different cultures enhances the overall experience and promotes cross-cultural understanding.
  • Proven Track Record: Over the years, hundreds of yoga students have been trained in various styles at Adi Yoga Ashram, establishing its reputation as a trusted institution for comprehensive yoga education.

Excursion Included In This Course

In order for our bodies and minds to rejuvenate, it is essential to have leisure time. When combining this need for relaxation with our course, the experience of learning becomes even more enjoyable amidst the captivating surroundings of Rishikesh. As part of our program, we organize guided excursions on Sundays to various remarkable destinations including Kunjapuri Temples, Waterfall, Beach Yoga, Vashishta Cave, and more. These tours are included in the course fee, ensuring a comprehensive experience for all participants. On Sundays, we exclusively provide breakfast, allowing you the freedom to savor delectable lunches and dinners at local restaurants, while also immersing yourself in the vibrant food culture of Rishikesh.

Why Choose Rishikesh for Yoga and a Brief Overview of the Course

Exploring the Benefits of Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Rishikesh - A Hub for Authentic Yoga Schools!

Rishikesh, nestled in the Northern region of India amidst the majestic Himalayas, is blessed by the holy river Ganges. This enchanting city has earned its reputation as one of the world's finest destinations for yoga. Imagine the serenity of practicing yoga while sitting on the banks of the sacred Ganges.

Rishikesh Radiates Awe-Inspiring Divine Energy!

Starting on a yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh offers an unparalleled experience, thanks to the incredible ambiance, cool breeze, and serene environment. Immerse yourself in the rich Indian culture as you spend a month learning in the sacred abode once inhabited by ancient rulers and sages.

Food & Accommodation

Our accommodations include clean and comfortable single private rooms, double shared rooms, and dormitory rooms, all featuring attached washrooms. We provide three highly nutritious, healthy, and sattvic meals per day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), specifically designed to nourish the mind, body, and soul. Additionally, detox and herbal teas/coolers are available to support your wellness journey.

A Nurturing Environment with Abundant Amenities

  • Two spacious and well-ventilated yoga halls
  • Air-conditioned yoga halls for optimal comfort
  • Fully furnished rooms with attached bathrooms
  • CCTV surveillance for added security
  • Round-the-clock management support available
  • Dining hall with traditional seating arrangement
  • Provision for reliable water supply and electricity
  • Convenient access to nearby laundry service
  • Proximity to local markets and cafes for added convenience

Yoga Program that Leads to RYT-300 Certification & Yoga Alliance Approval

Yoga Alliance is an esteemed international organization dedicated to supporting yoga schools and teachers worldwide. Its mission is to provide valuable resources and guidance to foster the learning and growth of yoga practitioners. The Yoga Alliance directory serves as a comprehensive listing of yoga schools and teachers who have met the organization's globally recognized training standards. Adi Yoga Ashram takes pride in being a Yoga Alliance-recognized school, ensuring that our programs meet the highest industry standards.

Upon successful completion of our rigorous 300-hour kndalini yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh, students gain the expertise and proficiency to pursue advanced yoga education. Graduates of our 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) receive a prestigious certification from a Registered Yoga School (RYS), positioning them as highly qualified yoga instructors. This certification not only validates their mastery of advanced yoga techniques but also opens doors to pursue Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider (YACEP) programs.

Here are some of the benefits of RYT-300 certification:

  • You can teach yoga professionally.
  • You can build your resume and advance your career.
  • You can connect with other yoga teachers around the world.
  • You can gain access to exclusive Yoga Alliance resources and discounts.

Note: 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program is a certified Course with Yoga Alliance. Completing this program qualify you to teach as a teacher and also allow you to persue YACEP Proragms.

योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्

"Dexterity in action is Yoga"

Bhagavad Gita

Course Dates - 300 Hours Kundalini Yoga Program

Note:- During major holidays in India, such as Diwali, Holi, and Raksha Bandhan, please note that classes will not be conducted as per the regular schedule. Additionally, it is important to be aware that the graduation date for the course may be extended by a day to accommodate these holiday breaks.

Dates Availability Twin Shared Private Book Now

02-January-2024 Completed ✅ 2 Shared$1399$1649 Private$1599$1899 Book Now

02-February-2024 Completed ✅ 2 Shared$1399$1649 Private$1599$1899 Book Now

02-March-2024 (Holi Festival on 25th) Completed ✅ 2 Shared$1399$1649 Private$1599$1899 Book Now

02-April-2024 Completed ✅ 2 Shared$1199$1649 Private$1399$1899 Book Now

02-May-2024 In Progress 2 Shared$1399$1649 Private$1599$1899 Book Now

02-June-2024 Seats Available 2 Shared$1399$1649 Private$1599$1899 Book Now

02-July-2024 Seats Available 2 Shared$1399$1649 Private$1599$1899 Book Now

02-August-2024 Seats Available 2 Shared$1399$1649 Private$1599$1899 Book Now

02-September-2024 Seats Available 2 Shared$1399$1649 Private$1599$1899 Book Now

02-October-2024 Seats Available 2 Shared$1399$1649 Private$1599$1899 Book Now

02-November-2024 6 Seats Available 2 Shared$1040$1649 Private$1199$1899 Book Now

02-December-2024 6 Seats Available 2 Shared$1399$1649 Private$1599$1899 Book Now

Course Objectives of our Yoga Teacher Training Program

The 300 hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program at our school is designed to provide a comprehensive and transformative learning experience for aspiring yoga teachers. Our course objectives are carefully crafted to ensure that students develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to start on their yoga teaching journey. Here are the key objectives of our program.

1. Deepen the understanding of Kuundalini yoga: Our training program aims to expand students' knowledge and comprehension of yoga beyond the physical postures. We delve into the philosophy, history, and principles of yoga, enabling students to develop a holistic understanding of this ancient practice of kundalini Yoga.

2. Cultivate a personal practice: We emphasize the importance of a dedicated personal practice. Through daily asana (posture), pranayama (breathing), and meditation sessions, students are encouraged to develop a consistent and authentic practice that forms the foundation of their teaching.

3. Develop teaching skills: Our program focuses on developing effective teaching skills. Students learn how to structure and sequence yoga classes, deliver clear and concise instructions, and create a safe and supportive environment for their future students.

4. Explore Hatha Yoga Asana: We provide in-depth knowledge of asana alignment, including proper body mechanics and adjustments. Students learn how to guide students into safe and beneficial postures, preventing injuries and maximizing the benefits of each pose.

5. Understand anatomy and physiology: An essential aspect of yoga teaching is understanding the human body. Our training includes the study of anatomy and physiology relevant to yoga practice. Students gain insights into the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems, enhancing their understanding of how yoga affects the body.

6. Learn pranayama and meditation techniques: We introduce students to various pranayama techniques (breathing exercises) and meditation practices. These ancient practices help students cultivate mindfulness, deepen their breath awareness, and develop a calm and focused mind.

7. Study yoga philosophy and ethics: Students explore the philosophy and ethical principles of yoga, including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. They gain insights into the eight limbs of yoga, yamas (ethical guidelines), niyamas (self-disciplines), and the application of these principles in their personal and teaching lives.

8. Enhance teaching methodology: Our training equips students with effective teaching methodologies. They learn how to create lesson plans, manage class dynamics, provide modifications and variations for different students' needs, and offer skillful hands-on adjustments.

9. Practice teaching and receive feedback: Students have numerous opportunities to practice teaching throughout the course. They receive constructive feedback from experienced teachers, enabling them to refine their teaching skills and build confidence in their ability to lead yoga classes.

10. Embrace a yogic lifestyle: Our program encourages students to embrace a yogic lifestyle beyond the mat. We explore Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, and provide insights into healthy dietary practices, mindful living, and self-care routines.

11. Foster self-growth and self-discovery: Beyond teaching skills, our training program aims to facilitate personal growth and self-discovery. Students are encouraged to explore their own limitations, beliefs, and fears, enabling them to connect with their authentic self and develop a strong sense of self-awareness.

12. Build a supportive yoga community: Throughout the training, students form connections and bonds with fellow participants and teachers. We foster a supportive and inclusive community that continues to inspire and uplift long after the program is completed.

Our 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training program offers a comprehensive curriculum that empowers students to become skilled and confident yoga teachers. By achieving these course objectives, students are well-prepared to start on their yoga teaching journey and make a positive impact on the lives of others through the practice of yoga.

Course Syllabus - 300 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

300 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course entails the topics like Tantra Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, Kundalini & Tantra Meditation, and Kundalini Awakening gestures. The syllabus of Advanced Kundalini Program also includes Basic Sanskrit & Chakra sound, Anatomy with Kundalini approach, Bandha for Kundalini Awakening. The course will teach you how to harness your negativity in a bid to give way to kundalini energy for seeking health and wellness.

Spiritual Mantras

The Morning Practice of spritual mantra is a part of your morning ritual, letting positive energy to set the tone for your day.

  • Aum Namah Shivaya Mantra
  • Aum Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu Mantra
  • Aum Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Mantra
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • Aum Brahmarpanam Mantra
  • Aum Saha Navavatu Mantra
  •  Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
  •  Asato Mam Sadgamaya Mantra
  •  Aum Purnamadah Purnamidam
  •  Patanjali Sloka
Kundalini Yoga Asana
  • Alignment, Assist and Adjustment
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutation)
  • Chandra namaskar (moon salutation)
  • Padahastasana
  • Tadasana
  • Triyak Tadasana
  • Garudasana
  • UtthithaHastha Padanghusthasana
  • Kukkutasana
  • UpavishthaKonasana
  • JanuSirshasna
  • SuptaHastha Padanghusthasana
  • Marjari Asana
  • Vyaghrasana
  • Balasana
  • SuptaVajrasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Simhagarj anasana
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana
  • Vrkshasana
  • Natvarasana
  • Natrajasana
  • Bhumi PadaMastakasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasan
  • Sirshasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Balasana
  • Triyak Tadasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Ashtanga Namaskara
  • Matsyasana
  • GarbhaPindasana
  • Chakrasana
  • Ushtrasana
  • SuptaVajrasana
  • Samkonasana
  • Pranamasana
  • Sarpasana
  • Simhagarjanasana
  • Ushtrasana
  • SuptaVajrasana
  • Hasta Utthanasana
  • Parvatasana
  • Shalabhasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Sarvangasana
Pranayama Kriya
  • Introduction to Prana and Pranayama
  • Individual and universal prana body (shealth)
  • Natural breathing (for peace)
  • Abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing (Expansion and healing all internal organs)
  • Thorasic/Chest Breathing (middle chest expansion)
  • Clavicular breathing (upper lungs expansion)
  • Yogic breathing/Complete breathing (complete lungs therapy)
  • Alternative Nostril breathing (Nadishodhanam) (balance and peace)
  • Cooling breathing (Sheetali and sitkari) (fever and reduce anger)
  • Bhramari Pranayama (for memory and stress relief)
  • Ujjayi pranayama (healing throat and prolong concentration)
  • Bhastrika pranayama (for complete health)
  • Kapalbhati (intense cleansing and healing stress)
  • Moorchha Pranayama(for ecstacy)
  • Surya bheda pranayama (Heating and digestive)
  • Chandra bheda pranayama (activate parasympathetic system)
Mudras (Yogic Gestures)
  • Origin of Mudras
  • What is a Mudra
  • Why hand Mudras
  • Benefits of Mudra practice
  • Five element theory
  • Accupressure and Scientific theory
Types of Hand mudra
  • General Mudras
  • Pranavayu Mudra (for poor vision and increase confidence)
  • Mritsanjeevani Mudra (Prevent heart attack and depression)
  • Samana Vaayu mudra (Reduces the formation of gases and acids and cure liver)
  • Udana Vayu Mudra (improve power of speech and generate vitality)
  • Vyana Vayu Mudra (for high BP, relax mental nerves)
Element Mudras
  • Vayu Mudra (release extra wind from the stomach)
  • Agni Mudra (Helps dissolving extra fat)
  • Prithivi mudra (boost blood circulation)
  • Varun Mudra (reliving dehydration and stomach infection)
  • Akash Mudra (Activate calcium and phosphorus so good for bones)
Spiritual Mudras
  • Gyan mudra (for innate wisdom)
  • Abhya mudra (for courage and strength)
  • Dhyana mudra (concentration and spiritual awakening
Basic Sanskrit and Chakra Sound
  • Vija Mantra of chakras
  • Lam
  • Vam
  • Ram
  • Yam
  • Ham
  • Om
  • Sound in different Chakras
Basics Meditation
  • How to sit in meditation
  • How to breath in meditation
  • How to Relax in meditation
  • How to concentrate in meditation
Advanced Meditation
  • Mantra meditation (Improve anxiety)
  • Breath awareness meditation (Improving willpower)
  • Obstacles in meditation
  • Om meditation (Energy booster)
  • Meditation and stress management
  • Trataka (Candle light meditation) (improve eye sight and courage)
  • Dynamic meditation (emotional block removing)
  • Kundalini meditation (awakening sleeping kundalini energy)
  • Silence Meditation (For enlightenment and peace)
Yoga Anatomy
Skeletal System
  • Bones
  • Types, function
  • Joints
  • Types, role
  • Ligament
  • Planes
Muscular System
  • Action of muscle
  • Types of muscle
  • Role of Bandha
  • Anatomical Movement
Body Allignment
  • Checking Allignment
  • Working on different joints
Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Digestive System
  • Balanced diet
  • Yoga practice for improve
Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Respiratory system
  • Yoga practices
Endocrine System and Yoga
  • Relation of Chakra
Anatomy and Physiology of Spine and Yoga
  • Deformity of spine
  • Precautions to be taken during pratice
Kundalini Yoga theory and techniques
  • Procedure to awaken the chakras & Kundalini.
  • Risk to awaken Kundalini.
  • Food for kundalini awakening.
  • Postures to awaken chakras.
  • Chakra Sadhana.
  • Initiation.
  • Feminine energy.
  • Practices to awaken Muladhara (Root) Chakra.
  • Practices to awake Swadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra.
  • Practices to awake Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra.
  • Practices to awake Anahata (Heart) Chakra.
  • Practices to awake Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra.
  • Practices to awake Ajna (eye) Chakra.
  • Practices for Chakra Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra.
Bandha (Energy Lock)
  • Mula bandha (for stability and awakening of Kundalini)
  • Uddhiyana bandha (Abdominal lock for balancing inner organs)
  • Jalandhar bandha (throat lock)
  • Maha Bandha
  • What is Energy blockages
  • Reasons of blocking the energy and chakras
  • Three majors energy blockges
Yoga Nidra
  • Yoga nidra-conscious sleep (to Master the sleep)
  • Full body relaxation (Complete rejuvenation)
  • Tension relaxation (removing blocks from whole body)
  • Point to point yoga nidra (opening unconscious mind and transormation)
  • Subtle body awakening Yoga nidra (feeling of expansion)
Shat Karma
  • Jal Neti (Nasal cleaning for opening the cognitive senses)
  • Rubber Neti (Nasal cleaning with a cathedral for intense nasal block)
  • Agnisar Kriya
  • Kapalbhati Kriya
  • Trataka Kriya
  • Kunjal Kriya
  • Dhauti Kriya
Yoga Philosophy

Yoga Philosophy is the foundation of our yoga practice and is the key to earn yogic strength. Through the path of Vedanta Philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice.

  • Sanatana Dharma
  • Vedas , Puranas
  • Upanishad
  • Sankhya
  • The Vedic System of Duties
  • The Six System of Indian Philosophy
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutra
  • Citta Vritti
  • Affiction of the Mind
  • The Eight Limbs of Yoga
  • Stages of Samadhi
  • The Six Yoga System
Teaching Methodology
  • Positive and conscious communication
  • Friendship and trust
  • Time management
  • Quality of a teacher
  • Use voice in the class
  • Mental and emotional preparation for teaching
  • Class preparation
  • Step by step class structure planning
Assessments are based on

Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front of their peers and teachers.

  • Written Test
  • Oral Test
  • Attendance
  • Performance
  • Behavior

What are the pre-requisites to join 300 Hours YTTC?

The only prerequisite to join the 300 hours of Yoga Teacher Training in India is that you should have the fundamental knowledge of Asanas, Meditation, and Pranayam. Those who have successfully completed a 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training Program can continue for a further 300-hours Yoga Teacher Training Program. You can either do 200 hours of training and 300 hours of training separately or in continuation.